How Yoga Can have a Positive Impact On Your WorkLife

I know what its like to work in a high pressure environment, with expanding workloads. I worked for over 15 years in the corporate sector as an Operations Manager in London.
Yoga and hypnotherapy have been key in helping me to reduce and manage my own stress and I would love to share these techniques with you and your employees to create healthier and happier working environments.
I now run Happy Healthy yoga and hypnotherapy offering classes, workshops, retreats and corporate packages.
Get in touch if you are interested in Yoga for your workplace.
Why Yoga?
We know that stress is linked to heart disease. Yoga promotes relaxation, relaxing blood vessels and reducing blood pressure, increasing blood flow to the heart.
Yoga counteracts to negative effects of long periods of sitting. By practicing yoga we become more aware of our posture. Yoga has also been reported as a valuable tool to treat chronic neck and lower back pain.
A recent study has shown that yoga improves cognitive function. In this study participants practiced yoga for just thirty minutes , twice a week and also saw significant gains in memory performance and fewer depressive symptoms.
Yoga staves off stress and anxiety. A new report links yoga to lowering levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Again practicing just twice a week improved their mood and helped them to better control their anxiety.
In a pilot study university students reported feeling good after their yoga practice, especially pertaining to self-control, self-perception, well-being, body awareness, balance, mind-body and reflexivity.