Self care

Manage stress

Manage stress with these 4 powerful tools

How I share powerful relaxation tools to help people manage stress, overwhelm and anxiety. My name is Frances, and I am a Yoga teacher and Hypnotherapist and I meet a lot of people who are suffering with feelings of stress and overwhelm.  This often means that their sleep is interrupted and they feel tired and lack energy throughout the day.  Creating a frustrating, vicious cycle so that this feeds back into the feelings of stress and overwhelm. I totally understand!&nbs […]

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Beat Festive Stress

How to beat festive stress

This is how my Christmas’s used to go… Try to ignore that it’s happening.   Can’t ignore it as I’ve now got kids so from Dec 1st we are in full swing Chirstmas mode with advent calendars, tree and decorations.  Thank goodness I never heard about the Elf on the Shelf until I realised what hard work it would be. Try to ignore it some more. Worry about money – look at the list to buy for and crumple.  &nbs […]

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Feeling Stressed Out?

As soon as you get into work you hit the ground running and start smashing through your to-do list.  Before you know it its lunchtime but you don’t have time to eat.  Perhaps you send someone to get lunch for you to eat at your desk.  Something easy that you can wolf down quickly while you carry on working at your computer.  By this point you’ve pretty much been sitting in the same position for the last 5 hours, bar a couple of quick sprints to […]

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