How to beat festive stress
December 10, 2019||

I don’t know about you but Christmas used to be one big frazzle! So I have come up with ways to beat the festive stress and enjoy the holidays peacefully and calmly.
This is how my Christmas’s used to go…
Try to ignore that it’s happening.
Can’t ignore it as I’ve now got kids so from Dec 1st we are in full swing Chirstmas mode with advent calendars, tree and decorations. Thank goodness I never heard about the Elf on the Shelf until I realised what hard work it would be.
Try to ignore it some more.
Worry about money – look at the list to buy for and crumple.
Try to ignore it some more.
Track down costumes for plays, gold coins for the Christmas fair, and remember its tag day all at the last minute, because I’ve been busy working like a madwoman to earn enough for the presents.
Try to ignore it some more.
Figure out who we are seeing when. With divorced parents there’s always a slight awkwardness to who you are seeing. Add in a set of in-laws and that means there are a lot of people who you are worried about pleasing/pissing off.
Try to ignore it some more.
Start hearing Christmas songs and get a little bit excited, see friends, then get carried away and drink too much. Feel terrible.
Try to ignore it some more.
Back to the gift lists and time is ticking now. We are pretty close, one week to go. Still barely any presents. Get into town one day and go crazy – ignore all of the budgets as I can’t find anything at this late stage. Forget wrapping paper.
Christmas Eve Eve – get out all the presents I’ve got so far and decide they are all rubbish and there aren’t enough so go back for a final frenzy. Decide last minute that my son needs an i-phone for his present (one of the worst ideas I have ever had).
Christmas Eve – back into town, last minute things, plus food. The supermarket is packed. I forget cellotape.
Christmas Eve night, after the magic of putting the kids to be with the stockings and mince pies and carrot for Rudolph I set to the wrapping. 2am I run out of wrapping paper.
Christmas Day – start drinking bucks fizz at breakfast. Get emotional at lunchtime. Going stir crazy by 4pm. Totally depressed by the evening.
Thank goodness for the Boxing Day Dip.
I now realise that there are lots of feelings tied up at this time of year so I need to gain calm and clarity.
These are my new rules to beat the festive stress:
Try to ignore it some more.
Worry about money – look at the list to buy for and crumple.
Try to ignore it some more.
Track down costumes for plays, gold coins for the Christmas fair, and remember its tag day all at the last minute, because I’ve been busy working like a madwoman to earn enough for the presents.
Try to ignore it some more.
Figure out who we are seeing when. With divorced parents there’s always a slight awkwardness to who you are seeing. Add in a set of in-laws and that means there are a lot of people who you are worried about pleasing/pissing off.
Try to ignore it some more.
Start hearing Christmas songs and get a little bit excited, see friends, then get carried away and drink too much. Feel terrible.
Try to ignore it some more.
Back to the gift lists and time is ticking now. We are pretty close, one week to go. Still barely any presents. Get into town one day and go crazy – ignore all of the budgets as I can’t find anything at this late stage. Forget wrapping paper.
Christmas Eve Eve – get out all the presents I’ve got so far and decide they are all rubbish and there aren’t enough so go back for a final frenzy. Decide last minute that my son needs an i-phone for his present (one of the worst ideas I have ever had).
Christmas Eve – back into town, last minute things, plus food. The supermarket is packed. I forget cellotape.
Christmas Eve night, after the magic of putting the kids to be with the stockings and mince pies and carrot for Rudolph I set to the wrapping. 2am I run out of wrapping paper.
Christmas Day – start drinking bucks fizz at breakfast. Get emotional at lunchtime. Going stir crazy by 4pm. Totally depressed by the evening.
Thank goodness for the Boxing Day Dip.
I now realise that there are lots of feelings tied up at this time of year so I need to gain calm and clarity.
These are my new rules to beat the festive stress:
- I realise now that I need to be outside as much as possible. I also realise more and more that I’m a massive introvert really and being around a lot of people for a prolonged period of time can really wear me out.
- I will not overspend. No last minute panic buying.
- I will not eat too much and make myself feel gross. Just because its Christmas doesn’t mean I need to eat stuff I wouldn’t normally.
- I will not drink to get through it.
This is what I’m currently thinking about in preparation for a calm and frazzle free Christmas:
- How I want to spend my time
- What’s important to me?
- What I will eat and drink?
I will bring these decisions to consciousness and make mindful plans for calm and clarity this Christmas.
I also love using this time of year to set intentions and start getting excited about the year ahead. No resolutions for me, just taking time to daydream about how I want to feel and what is important to me.
How do you beat festive stress to have a calm and peaceful Christmas?