Welcome To Happy Healthy Yoga

Hi, for any new followers I thought I would introduce myself.  My name is Frances, and I’m a Yoga teacher and hypnotherapist interested in the power of movement, meditation and mindset.  I can help you to create healthy habits – I created an online course for that very reason!  Foundations for a home yoga practice has everything that you need to make Yoga a habit.  

-3 videos to follow, giving you a frame work for a home yoga practice – suitable for all levels
-Meditation for creative visualisation
-Guided relaxation
-Journaling exercise for a positive and resilient mindset
-Tips for developing healthy eating habits

​You can access your FREE lesson from the course here .

I will be showing up on Facebook, every Monday morning for the next 3 weeks to go through an element of the course and give you the chance to ask any questions you might have.  I would love to see you there!

I want to give you a taste of what the whole course involves and share my take on Yoga with you.  

Maybe you already know this, but the secret is that Yoga really isn’t about the poses at all.  The poses are simply a means to an end.  The practice of Yoga is the practice of finding a calm and peaceful mind.  The movements that we practice in class are there to guide us to become more aware of our bodies, of sensation, of their potential.  

If this is the process of Yoga, then we can approach it gently and with kindness.  
If this is the case, and it doesn’t matter what the poses look like then why do we have to follow set ideas and traditions that perhaps no longer serve our bodies in a healthy way?  Perhaps we can give ourselves permission to move in a way that feels good, and comfortable?  That doesn’t mean it is always easy.  There is resistance and progressive strengthening. We notice our bodies and their capabilities with curiosity.  No need to push into pain.  

Does this kind of Yoga appeal to you?  If so I would love you to join me at class sometime!  I run Yoga sessions live on Zoom 4 times a week – 

Accessible classes that give you the time and space to explore movement in a way that is right for you and your body.  
Lots of options at a slow pace.  
Plenty of moments to pause and observe the effects of the movement on the body and the mind.  
Simple techniques to manage stress.  
Strengthen the body progressively without pain.  
Consider the why behind the movements we practice.  
Find joy in the present moment.  

So come over and follow me @Yogacheriton

You can find out more about my classes, events and I will be LIVE every Monday at 8am.  If you miss it you can catch up on it later.  

So happy to connect with you!

Warm wishes,

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