3 tools you can use to become more mindful and peaceful
My aim as coach, therapist and Yoga teacher is to give you tools to become more mindful and peaceful. To grow and become open to new possibilities.
Here are 3 tools that I share with my clients to help them be able to live more peacefully and more mindfully.
Intention Setting
Setting an intention gives direction for our energy. Often when we want something instead of focussing on the thing that we want we focus on the negative. How we don’t have that thing already. This isn’t going to help us get to where we want to go. We need to let go of that conflict with ourselves, beating ourselves up for not being or having what we want and instead focus our attention on where we want to go, looking forward in a positive direction.
Creative Visualisation
Creative visualisation begins with relaxation. When we are relaxed we can more easily access the subconscious mind where all of our beliefs are created and held. We are then more likely to take the intention on. While in a relaxed state you can allow your mind to be free and see what comes up for you. This is a great opportunity to dream big, imagine your goals bright and colourful, noticing all the detail. The mind does not know the difference between real and imagined experience so holding your vision of your future self as you want to be can be very powerful. You can download my short guided relaxation and take some time to day dream for yourself. Let me know how you get on!
Through the breath we can send a powerful message to our nervous system, body, and brain to relax, and to become calm. Stress activates a physiological response in the body. The breath can activate the parasympathetic nervous system – overriding the stress response and signalling to the body and mind to relax. There are many different breathing techniques that we can use to help us to drop into a more relaxed state – one of my favourite techniques is very simple and is to simply extend your exhale, making it longer than your inhale. With most clients I introduce a 4/6 breath where you inhale for a count of 4 and exhale for a count of 6. Why not give this a go – try 5 rounds while you are sitting comfortably and take a moment to notice how this breathing technique makes you feel. I would love to hear?
We take time to practice these techniques and many more, every week in my Happy Healthy monthly membership. Join a group of like minded women all working to become more mindful and more peaceful. Or get in touch to find out more about working with me 1:1, I would love to hear from you