Book Recommendation: The Island by Aldous Huxley

This week’s book recommendation is The Island by Aldous Huxley. It explores some interesting ideas about what a utopian society might look like.
Beyond his exploration of psychedelics Aldous Huxley was interested and involved in Eastern philosophical ideas and practices. He covers yoga, Buddhist principles, meditation and hypnotherapy in the story of The Island which is why I thought it might be interesting for our book club. For me it has been a hugely influential book which I’ve returned to over and over again. This book actually was the reason that I trained as a hypnotherapist.
All this made me remember that Rebekah runs a wonderful event in Folkestone called Death Cafe – I’ve asked her to talk to us a bit more about this on Wednesday night. I’m looking forward to hearing all about it. In the mean time here is a link where you can find out more if you are interested. Watch this space for a Death Cafe / Yoga Book Club collaboration coming soon.
The next book we will be reading for June is Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman and we will meet to discuss in June – head over to the facebook group to keep up to date with what’s going on.
I will be sharing more book recommendations from our Yoga Book Club sessions, and would love to hear your book recommendations as well. Let me know what you are reading in the comments below?